1. Identifying Data

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following data are reflected below: the company owner of the web domain is FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE HIDRÁULICA AMBIENTAL DE CANTABRIA – EG39655170 (hereinafter IHCantabria), with address for these purposes in C/Isabel Torres 15, 39011-Santander-Cantabria and registered in the Register of Foundations of Cantabria under the heading O,I,18. Contact e-mail: info@capacitacionihcantabria.com of the website.

2. Sales Policy

2.1. Description of Sales Policy

FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE HIDRÁULICA AMBIENTAL DE CANTABRIA (IHCantabria), in compliance with Law 3/2014, of 27 March, which amends the revised text of the general law for the defense of consumers and users, STATES:

That the product for sale (TRAINING) that IHCantabria offers in this portal responds for the purposes of electronic commerce to the typology by means of which the consumer formalizes the purchase of the product by making the payment of the price prior to the beginning of the training.
The USER must register for the course of his/her interest through the web page by filling in the information requested in the purchase process.
Full payment of the course fee is required to reserve a place.
Payments can be made through our virtual POS using debit/credit cards, or by bank deposit/transfer to the account(s) indicated for this purpose (this transfer option is only available for some courses).
The payment of the courses through bank transfer, in those courses where it is foreseen, is expressly indicated in the courses. In these cases, registration should be made by sending an e-mail to info@capacitacionihcantabria.com indicating the data of the interested party and the course data. Once you have received confirmation of receipt of your request by IHCantabria, the USER must make the payment and send proof of payment to the email info@capacitacionihcantabria.com.
The online courses will be conducted through the corresponding online training platform (ECCE-IH, Aula Virtual UC, etc.).
The USER will not be formally registered until he/she has completed the registration and payment of the course. Once this is done, your registration will be confirmed.

3. Return Policy

3.1. Description of Return Policy

The USER is entitled to a refund of the registration fee under the following terms and conditions:

Cancellations must be informed in writing, by sending an email to info@capacitacionihcantabria.com.
Cancellations informed by any other means will not be accepted. In this email, all the registration data must be included, including: Name of the course, Name and surname of the student, Date of registration and Contact information (e-mail, telephone, etc.).

The refund amounts are as follows:

For cancellations received 5 calendar days prior to the start of the course and provided that the course has not been accessed, 80% of the amount paid at the time of cancellation will be refunded. After this period, no reimbursement will be made.
Cancellations with less than 2 calendar days notice will not be refunded.

Refunds will be made within 30 calendar days after the cancellation request, through the same means by which the payment was made.

In case of cancellation of the course by the student, once the course has started, no amount will be refunded for cancellation, unless the student alleges a verifiable and legally recognized major cause.

In the event that payment in installments has been provided for, the student will be obliged to pay the full tuition fee in the event of late cancellation, withdrawal or abandonment after the maximum period for cancellation, whatever the cause, except in the case of legally recognized force majeure.

4. Substitution Policy

4.1. Description of the Substitution Policy

If the registered person is unable to participate in the course, another person may be substituted or an alternative date may be offered, if available. In the case of substitution, the person who will attend in substitution of the person initially registered must comply with the requirements established for the course and request the change to info@capacitacionihcantabria.com at least 4 days in advance.

5. Cancellation Policy

5.1. Description of Cancellation Policy

FUNDACION INSTITUTO DE HIDRÁULICA AMBIENTAL DE CANTABRIA reserves the right to postpone or cancel a course if there are not enough people registered, or if the trainers, for justified major reasons, are unable to attend. In these cases, payments received for registration fees will be fully refunded, without the express possibility of any other type of compensation.

In the event that the course is cancelled or that the modification of the date makes it impossible for the registered participants to attend, FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE HIDRÁULICA AMBIENTAL DE CANTABRIA will proceed exclusively to refund the registration fees, without having to pay other expenses or additional amounts in which, if applicable, the registered participants may have incurred.

6. Data Protection Policy

6.1. Description of the Data Protection Policy

FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE HIDRÁULICA AMBIENTAL DE CANTABRIA complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and with Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and other regulations in force at any given time, and ensures the correct use and processing of the USER’s personal data.

You can consult the complete version of the data protection policy of FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE HIDRÁULICA AMBIENTAL DE CANTABRIA through the following link:


7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

7.1. Miscellaneous

IHCantabria will pursue the breach of these conditions as well as any improper use of its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it by law.

IHCantabria reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate in its website, and may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same as the way in which they are presented or located on its website.

IHCantabria may modify at any time the conditions determined here, being duly published as they appear here. They shall become effective upon publication, and shall remain in effect until modified by subsequent amendments.

IHCantabria is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may cause, but not limited to: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents, despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to prevent it.

IHCantabria itself, or as an assignee, is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as of the elements contained therein (including, but not limited to, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), owned by IHCantabria or its licensors.

All rights reserved. Pursuant to the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the making available modality, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of IHCantabria, are expressly prohibited. The USER undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by IHCantabria. You may view the elements of the portal and even print, copy and store them on the hard disk of your computer or any other physical support as long as it is solely and exclusively for your personal and private use. The USER must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the IHCantabria website.

It is applicable to the services provided in this portal, Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Law 3/2014 of March 27, amending the revised text of the general law for the defense of consumers and users, as well as the rest of the legal provisions in force.

The relationship between FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE HIDRÁULICA AMBIENTAL DE CANTABRIA and the USER shall be governed by the Spanish legislation in force and any dispute shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Santander.