Exciting colorful long exposure landscape on a lake with a wooden pier and small house in the end.

Nature-based Solutions as proactive approaches to conservation

  • Dates: Third edition, coming soon (end 2024)
  • Study hours: 20-30 h
  • Fee: Free
  • Language: English (subtitles in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese).
  • Modality: Online 24/7


This MOOC provides a definition of the term “Nature-based Solutions” (NbS) and offers a broad overview of NbS as applied to coastal and marine environments. The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the concept of NbS with real-world marine and coastal examples, explore the intersection between NbS and more traditional conservation practices and concepts, as well as discuss the scientific, socioeconomic and political factors that facilitate the adoption of NbS.

It is aimed at managers, public administration technicians, professionals, graduates, postgraduate and vocational training students with an environmental qualification profile, to provide them with innovative, modern and dynamic training in areas related to marine ecosystems.

Ehis course is one of four MOOCs that are part of the Specialized TRaining on Applied tools for Sustainable MARine EcosystemS“, Therefore, if what you are interested in is the final accreditation of this pathway, we recommend that you if you are interested in the final accreditation of this pathway, we recommend that you enroll directly in the latter, and therefore in all four courses together, so that you opt for the Certificate of Accreditation of Global Knowledge..
