MOOC course template

Land-sea-ocean interactions: from coastal management to maritime spatial planning
- Dates: September - December 2022
- Duration: 20-30 estimated hours of study
- Fee: free of charge
- Language: English (subtitles in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese)
- Video: https://youtu.be/DDxbuw3HfcE
- Platform: MyriadX https://miriadax.net/
- Summary: In this MOOC, you will learn about the main needs of coastal populations, the activities developed by society to satisfy them, the consequences for the environment and for society itself and, finally, the possible strategies to reduce environmental damage and improve the benefit to human populations. It will be possible to learn a methodological approach designed to address these issues, adapted to various marine ecosystems.
- Mode: online 24/7
- Prerequisites: none
- Technical requirements: Electronic device with internet connectivity
- Evaluation system: mid-term and final exams
- Certificates: Certificate of completion of the course, optional (20 €)
As this course is one of the four MOOCs that are part of the "Specialized TRaining on Applied tools for Sustainable MARine EcosystemS" pathway, if you are interested in the final accreditation of this pathway, we recommend that you enroll directly in the latter, and therefore in the four courses together, so that you opt for the Certificate of Accreditation of Global Knowledge; This certificate can be found in the Premium Module of the fourth MOOC, and can be obtained after passing the corresponding evaluation test (biometric exam), for a price of 30 €.