Adaptation pathways to climate change through management and restoration of estuarine ecosystems

  • Dates: Third edition, January 2025
  • Study hours: 20-30 h
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English (subtitles in English, Spanish, German and Portuguese).
  • Modality: Online 24/7



The pathway “Adaptation to Climate Change through the management and restoration of estuarine ecosystems”, is composed of three MOOCs that address information on:

  • Climate Change related services provided by estuaries and estuarine ecosystems, and quantification tools to assess them.
  • Risk associated with climate change in coastal areas and estuarine-based adaptation strategies.
  • Financial tools to support estuary restoration and conservation projects as adaptation measures to combat the consequences of climate change.

This course is intended for professionals, graduates and postgraduates interested in deepening their knowledge of the role of estuarine ecosystems as an adaptation measure in the context of climate change. As well as students coming from Biology, Environmental Sciences, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Economics, Marine Sciences, Geography, Meteorology, Physics, Renewable Energies, etc.

This itinerary consists of these three online courses plus a fourth hybrid course, which will be taught in person from the Nilo Room of IHCantabria, which can be taken in both modalities.

At the end of this training itinerary, once the partial and final tests of the complete program have been taken and passed, a specialization Diploma will be awarded.

If you only wish to take one of the courses and obtain a Certificate of Completion, you must register directly in the corresponding MOOC.

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